Why the UWES is a Great Tool for Measuring Employee Engagement

Employee engagement is a key factor for organizational success, as it reflects the degree to which employees are committed, motivated and involved in their work. However, measuring employee engagement is not an easy task, as different definitions and instruments exist in the literature. One of the most widely used and validated tools for assessing employee engagement is the Utrecht Work Engagement Scale (UWES), developed by Schaufeli and colleagues (2002). In this article, I will describe why the UWES is a great tool for employers to use to measure employee engagement,

Sam Altman Firing: How It Will Affect Company Culture at OpenAI

Any firing has the ability to send shockwaves of insecurity through your culture. Especially when the founder and CEO is fired for no significant reason. It can result in the value of each employee being reduced to a number and an outcome, and each employee can be waiting for their number to come up. A culture of threat will have a massive impact on the future creativity of the organization as the brain shifts into threat avoidance mode.

A Culture’s Journey to Valuing People

Each of us asks the question, “Am I loved?” And when we come together into cultures, we seek to answer this question in the faces, actions and words of others. We collectively in cultures seek to answer this question.

How to Create Psychologically Safe Teams

Google wanted to find out what made some teams more successful than others. They commissioned a study to discover what the essential factor was, and it wasn’t what you might expect.

Oxytocin, We are Wired to Connect in Business

Oxytocin increases trust and engagement between people. Business can be a stimulus of oxytocin. The key is that it must be done in a way that stirs positive regard for one another.